
Sunday, January 18

People are stupid, irrational, selfish and egotistical upright monkeys. I hate people. I may like and even love some individuals, but I hate people, they are awful. As a species we specialize in destruction, of ourselves, out family, our friends, and least importantly our planet. Most important to what I want to say right now is the destruction of ourselves and others.

Many of us have issues and were exposed to chaos when we were young. Because of this we had engraved in our brain from early development that chaos (varying types for different people) is normal. We grew up believing that it is acceptable for someone to become violent with us when they are angry. We never learned to accept not getting our way, we had to have it our way and if we could not then life was over. I say all this from experience. As most of you know, I am a clean and sober, recovering drug addict and alcoholic. Because of my nature, I live for chaos, I seek it out in people I have relationships with. I seek it out with people, I do everything which can do to argue, and find peoples pet peeves.

We need to understand that chaos is not necessary, not normal, and in many cases, it is unacceptable. We need to find a balance and set boundaries, and limit's as to what is acceptable. If you learn to decrease the amount of chaos in your life, it will act circularly, the less you have, the less chaotic people will be drawn to you and hence, less chaos.

I love chaos, I love it like their is nothing else in the world to me, but I am a very dangerous and unstable person with a disease of the mind and body. So I beg you to be prompt and decisive about the things you do and not let them escalate into life and death situations.

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